September 11 - 2017 Birchwood and Dassel, Minnesota

It has been a week since we last wrote. We have been busy buying things for the camper, visiting family and friends, and getting some paperwork done. We have gotten a lot done. But not all of it has been without complications. As my sister said, "You didn't think it would all go smoothly, did you?" Here are some of the complications, we have run in to:

We found out that the plug in for the trailer lights was not working. After talking to "experts" (professional mechanics and my brothers) and hooking it up to a few trailers, JJ finally got the problem fixed :-)

On Friday, our bank sent us a mail, that we had over-used our debit card, and that they would charge us $10 (70 kr.) for each withdrawal we made over 6 per month. We had already made 12 withdrawals the first week of September! JJ WAS NOT HAPPY, that we had wasted $60/420 kr. I wasn’t too happy eitherWe finally got it worked out with the bank.

Monday was 9/11 and many flags were flying half mast in remembrance
of the 16th anniversary of the terrorist acts in 2001.

Our own 9/11 was, without any comparison though, not without problems.
So many small things went wrong.

#1 – Our car needs new tabs (en slags vejskat) in December. Because we are going to be in Florida in December (they need to be bought in Minnesota), we asked at the DMV (motorkontoret) if we could buy them early. “Sure, you can”, the woman at the office said. That was until she tried putting the information into the computer. The DMV is changing their computer system – not without problems. After 3 tries, she told us to come back and try another day.

#2 – Right after the DMV, we went to get insurance for the camper. Just before we got to the office, the electricity went out. No electricity – no computers – no insurance! We could see from the traffic lights, that the power outage was local, so we decide to wait for an hour, to see if the power came back.

#3 – We went to a store where JJ had seen lighter gas, which he needed. That store was also out of electricity, but the employees said we could buy things, if we could find them and pay in cash. JJ and one of the sales personal walked around with a flashlight to find the gas. They did. And we had cash, so we got gas for the lighter!

We then waited in the car for about an hour, and decided not to wait any longer for the power to come on. We went back to the insurance company, and as we were speaking to the guy, the power came on again. So, we got insurance too!!

#4 – Just after we left the insurance office, we got a phone call from the RV (camping) store. We were scheduled to pick up the camper at 9 am the next day, but they had not gotten the tires, so it would not be ready until sometime in the afternoon. THIS DID NOT MAKE US HAPPY!!!!! (Imagine JJ at this point!!!!!) We will write more about this tomorrow.

Finally, our day started getting better after that. We arrived at my brother Matt’s house, and watched the first game of the Minnesota Vikings football team’s season. They won😊😊😊 So we were happy when we went to bed.

Written by Mary

P.S. To continue with the bad luck, I have written this blog 3 times, but have had trouble saving it, so I have had to start over each time   



  1. Never, ever do serious typing in a browser. They time out, lose connection or whatever quite frequently.
    Do it in Office Word or Wordpad, that is if you're unfortunate enough to be stuck with windows, and take benefit of spellcheck correcting typos etc, and finally copy/paste into the browser when done. That can easily be redone - the copying, that is.
    I hope today will bring you more luck ;-)
