September 13 - 2017 Birchwood, Minnesota

September 13, 2017 – Birchwood, Minnesota

I promised on the last blog entry, to tell a little more about our experience with picking up our camper. As I wrote, we were contacted the day before we were scheduled to pick it up. The store did not have the new tires to put on the trailer! (This was one of the 9/11 problems)

We decided to drive up there early anyway, because we were already at my brother’s house, so we could be closer to Paynesville, where we were picking the camper up. No one was going to be at home, so we could just as well go to the store.

Shortly after arriving at the store, the electricity went out! INCREDIBLE!!!!! Americans do have more power outages then we have in Denmark, but they are usually connected to storms and bad weather. That was not the case this day (or on 9/11).

We were lucky, that the paperwork was done, so we could go through that without computers. Unfortunately, the tires could not be put on the trailer, until the power came on again. We got a very good introduction to the trailer, and how to use things (the service guys couldn’t do anything else, so they had lots of time for us).

And finally, at about 2:30 (14:30), we were ready to leave. We had hoped to be on the road by noon, so we could get through the big cities before rush hour started, but that didn’t happen! Luckily, we had chosen a route with less traffic, and there were only a couple of spots, where our knuckles were white.

Home safely in Birchwood, we could breathe easy and congratulate ourselves on our new home, and a trip well done. We slept happy again last night😊

Written by Mary     


  1. Can't wait for the next episode. Bon Voyage y Bon Chance!

  2. One of the points of a retirement trip is that you have all of the time in the world. Even time for rush hour :-)

    1. Life is too short for rush hour - especially when you are as old as us...each hour gets more precious!
