Thursday we drove from Canada, 330 miles ( ca. 520 km)to Harpursville, New York.
Friday we continued eastward, 150 miles (ca. 240 km) to Flanders, New Jersey.
Flanders is 45 miles (ca. 70 km) west of New York City.
Saturday we went to New York City.
We decided to drive all the way. Crossed Manhattan and parked in Brooklyn.
Going in was not a problem at all (a little over an hour), but getting out late afternoon was a nightmare. It took us at least 2 hours just to get through the Holland tunnel and get clear of Jersey City.
We walked across the Brooklyn bridge to Manhattan.
A nice walk, in fair weather, with a really good view of some of the New York City skyline.

We checked Trump Tower to see if he was home, but all we saw was a lot of police and some protesters.

In the afternoon we saw a play on Broadway: CATS.
Very impressive choreography and dancing.
And the song "Memory" in several versions and very powerful.

By the way: You know you are getting older when...
You sit in an overcrowded New York Subway train.
You see an older man enter the train and get ready to get up and give him your seat.
You then realize that you are older than he is - and stay put !! ☺☺
Written by JJ
Hej Mary og JJ - Vi følger jeres fantastiske rejse og er bare vildt misundelige. - Alt er som det skal være hjemme i Gistrup - Pia passer vores huse idet jeg pt er i kbh i en uge pga. Kasper er i Canada. - Vi tænker på jer. Knus fra jytte og Jp.