April 14-15 - 2018 Towaoc, Colorado

Saturday, the 14th we did nothing. We needed a day of rest. Well, we did some grocery shopping. Got the car washed and vacuumed (støvsuget), so we could get rid of all the red dust from Monument Valley. We also cleaned the camper, which was also full of dust. And then we went to the casino for a short while Saturday evening (The campground is part of a casino, run by the Ute Indians.) But other than that, we did nothing.

The view from our camp



Sunday, the 15th, we went on a daytrip. More rock formations!! We drove 130 miles/ ca. 200 km to Arches National Park, outside of Moab, Utah.

We did this on the strong recommendation (anbefalinger) of Mary’s aunt JoAnn and cousin Hal, who were there a few years ago. In spite of the long drive, we are happy we followed their tip.
NOTHING like we have ever seen before 😊 😊 (true, even though we have said that a number of times before).

Arches National Park (buer) is known just for that, but that name is somewhat misleading. Yes, there are twenty some very pretty arches, but even if there were none, the park would still be spectacular But the arches do make it VERY spectacular.
It has nice, newly paved (asfalterede) roads and lots of viewpoints (udkigspunkter) throughout the park.
The route in the park is twenty some miles with roads branching off. We probably drove close to 50 miles /80 km in there. And there are so many different formations, cliffs, valleys, colors, etc. etc. that it is impossible not to be impressed. At this point I am ready to put it on top of my list of “rock-places” we have seen so far (with Antelope Canyon as a strong number 2). For Mary it is the other way around.

And once again we went crazy taking pictures.

First the views that did not include an arch:

These are petrified (forstenede) sand dunes (klitter)
Balanced Rock
Arches in the making

Some places, there was a florescent (selvlysende) green algae
growing on the rocks 
There were so many colors of rock and vegetation

Fiery Furnace

And then the arches:

Delicate Arch

Double Arch
North and South Window Arches
Tunnel Arch
Sand Dune Arch
Broken Arch

Landscape Arch

While walking around in Arches and on the way back to the campground we received these pictures of Sunday’s weather in Minnesota, from Mindy (our sister in law (svigerinde)) and Michelle (Mary’s sister).
In the middle of April!! We feel sorry for them.
Birchwood, Minnesota
Watertown, Minnesota

Written by JJ

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